Source code for neurodynex3.working_memory_network.wm_model

Implementation of a working memory model.
Compte, A., Brunel, N., Goldman-Rakic, P. S., & Wang, X. J. (2000). Synaptic mechanisms and
network dynamics underlying spatial working memory in a cortical network model.
Cerebral Cortex, 10(9), 910-923.

Some parts of this implementation are inspired by material from
*Stanford University, BIOE 332: Large-Scale Neural Modeling, Kwabena Boahen & Tatiana Engel, 2013*,
online available.


# This file is part of the exercise code repository accompanying
# the book: Neuronal Dynamics (see
# located at

# This free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0 as published by the
# Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with the repository. If not,
# see

# Should you reuse and publish the code for your own purposes,
# please cite the book or point to the webpage

# Wulfram Gerstner, Werner M. Kistler, Richard Naud, and Liam Paninski.
# Neuronal Dynamics: From Single Neurons to Networks and Models of Cognition.
# Cambridge University Press, 2014.

from random import sample

import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from collections import deque
import brian2 as b2
from scipy.special import erf
from numpy.fft import rfft, irfft
from brian2 import NeuronGroup, Synapses, PoissonInput, network_operation
from brian2.monitors import StateMonitor, SpikeMonitor, PopulationRateMonitor
from import plot_tools
b2.defaultclock.dt = 0.05 *

[docs]def simulate_wm( N_excitatory=1024, N_inhibitory=256, N_extern_poisson=1000, poisson_firing_rate=1.4 * b2.Hz, weight_scaling_factor=2., sigma_weight_profile=20., Jpos_excit2excit=1.6, stimulus_center_deg=180, stimulus_width_deg=40, stimulus_strength=0.07 * b2.namp, t_stimulus_start=0 *, t_stimulus_duration=0 *, distractor_center_deg=90, distractor_width_deg=40, distractor_strength=0.0 * b2.namp, t_distractor_start=0 *, t_distractor_duration=0 *, G_inhib2inhib=1.024 * b2.nS, G_inhib2excit=1.336 * b2.nS, G_excit2excit=0.381 * b2.nS, G_excit2inhib=0.292 * b2.nS, monitored_subset_size=1024, sim_time=800. * """ Args: N_excitatory (int): Size of the excitatory population N_inhibitory (int): Size of the inhibitory population weight_scaling_factor (float): weight prefactor. When increasing the size of the populations, the synaptic weights have to be decreased. Using the default values, we have N_excitatory*weight_scaling_factor = 2048 and N_inhibitory*weight_scaling_factor=512 N_extern_poisson (int): Size of the external input population (Poisson input) poisson_firing_rate (Quantity): Firing rate of the external population sigma_weight_profile (float): standard deviation of the gaussian input profile in the excitatory population. Jpos_excit2excit (float): Strength of the recurrent input within the excitatory population. Jneg_excit2excit is computed from sigma_weight_profile, Jpos_excit2excit and the normalization condition. stimulus_center_deg (float): Center of the stimulus in [0, 360] stimulus_width_deg (float): width of the stimulus. All neurons in stimulus_center_deg +\\- (stimulus_width_deg/2) receive the same input current stimulus_strength (Quantity): Input current to the neurons at stimulus_center_deg +\\- (stimulus_width_deg/2) t_stimulus_start (Quantity): time when the input stimulus is turned on t_stimulus_duration (Quantity): duration of the stimulus. distractor_center_deg (float): Center of the distractor in [0, 360] distractor_width_deg (float): width of the distractor. All neurons in distractor_center_deg +\\- (distractor_width_deg/2) receive the same input current distractor_strength (Quantity): Input current to the neurons at distractor_center_deg +\\- (distractor_width_deg/2) t_distractor_start (Quantity): time when the distractor is turned on t_distractor_duration (Quantity): duration of the distractor. G_inhib2inhib (Quantity): projections from inhibitory to inhibitory population (later rescaled by weight_scaling_factor) G_inhib2excit (Quantity): projections from inhibitory to excitatory population (later rescaled by weight_scaling_factor) G_excit2excit (Quantity): projections from excitatory to excitatory population (later rescaled by weight_scaling_factor) G_excit2inhib (Quantity): projections from excitatory to inhibitory population (later rescaled by weight_scaling_factor) monitored_subset_size (int): nr of neurons for which a Spike- and Voltage monitor is registered. sim_time (Quantity): simulation time Returns: results (tuple): rate_monitor_excit (Brian2 PopulationRateMonitor for the excitatory population), spike_monitor_excit, voltage_monitor_excit, idx_monitored_neurons_excit,\ rate_monitor_inhib, spike_monitor_inhib, voltage_monitor_inhib, idx_monitored_neurons_inhib,\ weight_profile_45 (The weights profile for the neuron with preferred direction = 45deg). """ # specify the excitatory pyramidal cells: Cm_excit = 0.5 * b2.nF # membrane capacitance of excitatory neurons G_leak_excit = 25.0 * b2.nS # leak conductance E_leak_excit = -70.0 * b2.mV # reversal potential v_firing_threshold_excit = -50.0 * b2.mV # spike condition v_reset_excit = -60.0 * b2.mV # reset voltage after spike t_abs_refract_excit = 2.0 * # absolute refractory period # specify the weight profile in the recurrent population # std-dev of the gaussian weight profile around the prefered direction # sigma_weight_profile = 12.0 # std-dev of the gaussian weight profile around the prefered direction # # Jneg_excit2excit = 0 # specify the inhibitory interneurons: Cm_inhib = 0.2 * b2.nF G_leak_inhib = 20.0 * b2.nS E_leak_inhib = -70.0 * b2.mV v_firing_threshold_inhib = -50.0 * b2.mV v_reset_inhib = -60.0 * b2.mV t_abs_refract_inhib = 1.0 * # specify the AMPA synapses E_AMPA = 0.0 * b2.mV tau_AMPA = .9 * 2.0 * # specify the GABA synapses E_GABA = -70.0 * b2.mV tau_GABA = 10.0 * # specify the NMDA synapses E_NMDA = 0.0 * b2.mV tau_NMDA_s = .65 * 100.0 * # orig: 100 tau_NMDA_x = .94 * 2.0 * alpha_NMDA = 0.5 * b2.kHz # projections from the external population G_extern2inhib = 2.38 * b2.nS G_extern2excit = 3.1 * b2.nS # projectsions from the inhibitory populations G_inhib2inhib *= weight_scaling_factor G_inhib2excit *= weight_scaling_factor # projections from the excitatory population G_excit2excit *= weight_scaling_factor G_excit2inhib *= weight_scaling_factor # todo: verify this scaling t_stimulus_end = t_stimulus_start + t_stimulus_duration t_distractor_end = t_distractor_start + t_distractor_duration # compute the simulus index stim_center_idx = int(round(N_excitatory / 360. * stimulus_center_deg)) stim_width_idx = int(round(N_excitatory / 360. * stimulus_width_deg / 2)) stim_target_idx = [idx % N_excitatory for idx in range(stim_center_idx - stim_width_idx, stim_center_idx + stim_width_idx + 1)] # compute the distractor index distr_center_idx = int(round(N_excitatory / 360. * distractor_center_deg)) distr_width_idx = int(round(N_excitatory / 360. * distractor_width_deg / 2)) distr_target_idx = [idx % N_excitatory for idx in range(distr_center_idx - distr_width_idx, distr_center_idx + distr_width_idx + 1)] # precompute the weight profile for the recurrent population tmp = math.sqrt(2. * math.pi) * sigma_weight_profile * erf(180. / math.sqrt(2.) / sigma_weight_profile) / 360. Jneg_excit2excit = (1. - Jpos_excit2excit * tmp) / (1. - tmp) presyn_weight_kernel = \ [(Jneg_excit2excit + (Jpos_excit2excit - Jneg_excit2excit) * math.exp(-.5 * (360. * min(j, N_excitatory - j) / N_excitatory) ** 2 / sigma_weight_profile ** 2)) for j in range(N_excitatory)] # validate the normalization condition: (360./N_excitatory)*sum(presyn_weight_kernel)/360. fft_presyn_weight_kernel = rfft(presyn_weight_kernel) weight_profile_45 = deque(presyn_weight_kernel) rot_dist = int(round(len(weight_profile_45) / 8)) weight_profile_45.rotate(rot_dist) # define the inhibitory population inhib_lif_dynamics = """ s_NMDA_total : 1 # the post synaptic sum of s. compare with s_NMDA_presyn dv/dt = ( - G_leak_inhib * (v-E_leak_inhib) - G_extern2inhib * s_AMPA * (v-E_AMPA) - G_inhib2inhib * s_GABA * (v-E_GABA) - G_excit2inhib * s_NMDA_total * (v-E_NMDA)/(1.0+1.0*exp(-0.062*1e3*v/volt)/3.57) )/Cm_inhib : volt (unless refractory) ds_AMPA/dt = -s_AMPA/tau_AMPA : 1 ds_GABA/dt = -s_GABA/tau_GABA : 1 """ inhib_pop = NeuronGroup( N_inhibitory, model=inhib_lif_dynamics, threshold="v>v_firing_threshold_inhib", reset="v=v_reset_inhib", refractory=t_abs_refract_inhib, method="rk2") # initialize with random voltages: inhib_pop.v = numpy.random.uniform(v_reset_inhib / b2.mV, high=v_firing_threshold_inhib / b2.mV, size=N_inhibitory) * b2.mV # set the connections: inhib2inhib syn_inhib2inhib = Synapses(inhib_pop, target=inhib_pop, on_pre="s_GABA += 1.0", delay=0.0 * syn_inhib2inhib.connect(condition="i!=j", p=1.0) # set the connections: extern2inhib input_ext2inhib = PoissonInput(target=inhib_pop, target_var="s_AMPA", N=N_extern_poisson, rate=poisson_firing_rate, weight=1.0) # specify the excitatory population: excit_lif_dynamics = """ I_stim : amp s_NMDA_total : 1 # the post synaptic sum of s. compare with s_NMDA_presyn dv/dt = ( - G_leak_excit * (v-E_leak_excit) - G_extern2excit * s_AMPA * (v-E_AMPA) - G_inhib2excit * s_GABA * (v-E_GABA) - G_excit2excit * s_NMDA_total * (v-E_NMDA)/(1.0+1.0*exp(-0.062*1e3*v/volt)/3.57) + I_stim )/Cm_excit : volt (unless refractory) ds_AMPA/dt = -s_AMPA/tau_AMPA : 1 ds_GABA/dt = -s_GABA/tau_GABA : 1 ds_NMDA/dt = -s_NMDA/tau_NMDA_s + alpha_NMDA * x * (1-s_NMDA) : 1 dx/dt = -x/tau_NMDA_x : 1 """ excit_pop = NeuronGroup(N_excitatory, model=excit_lif_dynamics, threshold="v>v_firing_threshold_excit", reset="v=v_reset_excit; x+=1.0", refractory=t_abs_refract_excit, method="rk2") # initialize with random voltages: excit_pop.v = numpy.random.uniform(v_reset_excit / b2.mV, high=v_firing_threshold_excit / b2.mV, size=N_excitatory) * b2.mV excit_pop.I_stim = 0. * b2.namp # set the connections: extern2excit input_ext2excit = PoissonInput(target=excit_pop, target_var="s_AMPA", N=N_extern_poisson, rate=poisson_firing_rate, weight=1.0) # set the connections: inhibitory to excitatory syn_inhib2excit = Synapses(inhib_pop, target=excit_pop, on_pre="s_GABA += 1.0") syn_inhib2excit.connect(p=1.0) # set the connections: excitatory to inhibitory NMDA connections syn_excit2inhib = Synapses(excit_pop, inhib_pop, model="s_NMDA_total_post = s_NMDA_pre : 1 (summed)", method="rk2") syn_excit2inhib.connect(p=1.0) # # set the connections: UNSTRUCTURED excitatory to excitatory # syn_excit2excit = Synapses(excit_pop, excit_pop, # model= "s_NMDA_total_post = s_NMDA_pre : 1 (summed)", method="rk2") # syn_excit2excit.connect(condition="i!=j", p=1.) # set the STRUCTURED recurrent input. use a network_operation @network_operation() def update_nmda_sum(): fft_s_NMDA = rfft(excit_pop.s_NMDA) fft_s_NMDA_total = numpy.multiply(fft_presyn_weight_kernel, fft_s_NMDA) s_NMDA_tot = irfft(fft_s_NMDA_total) excit_pop.s_NMDA_total_ = s_NMDA_tot @network_operation(dt=1 * def stimulate_network(t): if t >= t_stimulus_start and t < t_stimulus_end: # excit_pop[stim_start_i - 15:stim_start_i + 15].I_stim = 0.25 * b2.namp # Todo: review indexing # print("stim on") excit_pop.I_stim[stim_target_idx] = stimulus_strength else: # print("stim off") excit_pop.I_stim = 0. * b2.namp # add distractor if t >= t_distractor_start and t < t_distractor_end: excit_pop.I_stim[distr_target_idx] = distractor_strength def get_monitors(pop, nr_monitored, N): nr_monitored = min(nr_monitored, (N)) idx_monitored_neurons = \ [int(math.ceil(k)) for k in numpy.linspace(0, N - 1, nr_monitored + 2)][1:-1] # sample(range(N), nr_monitored) rate_monitor = PopulationRateMonitor(pop) # record= some_list is not supported? :-( spike_monitor = SpikeMonitor(pop, record=idx_monitored_neurons) voltage_monitor = StateMonitor(pop, "v", record=idx_monitored_neurons) return rate_monitor, spike_monitor, voltage_monitor, idx_monitored_neurons # collect data of a subset of neurons: rate_monitor_inhib, spike_monitor_inhib, voltage_monitor_inhib, idx_monitored_neurons_inhib = \ get_monitors(inhib_pop, monitored_subset_size, N_inhibitory) rate_monitor_excit, spike_monitor_excit, voltage_monitor_excit, idx_monitored_neurons_excit = \ get_monitors(excit_pop, monitored_subset_size, N_excitatory) return \ rate_monitor_excit, spike_monitor_excit, voltage_monitor_excit, idx_monitored_neurons_excit,\ rate_monitor_inhib, spike_monitor_inhib, voltage_monitor_inhib, idx_monitored_neurons_inhib,\ weight_profile_45
[docs]def getting_started(): b2.defaultclock.dt = 0.1 * rate_monitor_excit, spike_monitor_excit, voltage_monitor_excit, idx_monitored_neurons_excit,\ rate_monitor_inhib, spike_monitor_inhib, voltage_monitor_inhib, idx_monitored_neurons_inhib,\ weight_profile\ = simulate_wm(N_excitatory=256, N_inhibitory=64, weight_scaling_factor=8., sim_time=500. *, stimulus_center_deg=120, t_stimulus_start=100 *, t_stimulus_duration=200 *, stimulus_strength=.07 * b2.namp) plot_tools.plot_network_activity(rate_monitor_excit, spike_monitor_excit, voltage_monitor_excit, t_min=0. *
if __name__ == "__main__": getting_started()