Source code for

# This file is part of the exercise code repository accompanying
# the book: Neuronal Dynamics (see
# located at

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# the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0 as published by the
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# Wulfram Gerstner, Werner M. Kistler, Richard Naud, and Liam Paninski.
# Neuronal Dynamics: From Single Neurons to Networks and Models of Cognition.
# Cambridge University Press, 2014.

import brian2 as b2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import numpy

# Input Currents
[docs]def get_step_current(t_start, t_end, unit_time, amplitude, append_zero=True): """Creates a step current. If t_start == t_end, then a single entry in the values array is set to amplitude. Args: t_start (int): start of the step t_end (int): end of the step unit_time (Brian2 unit): unit of t_start and t_end. e.g. 0.1* amplitude (Quantity): amplitude of the step. e.g. 3.5*brian2.uamp append_zero (bool, optional): if true, 0Amp is appended at t_end+1. Without that trailing 0, Brian reads out the last value in the array (=amplitude) for all indices > t_end. Returns: TimedArray: Brian2.TimedArray """ assert isinstance(t_start, int), "t_start_ms must be of type int" assert isinstance(t_end, int), "t_end must be of type int" assert b2.units.fundamentalunits.have_same_dimensions(amplitude, b2.amp), \ "amplitude must have the dimension of current e.g. brian2.uamp" tmp_size = 1 + t_end # +1 for t=0 if append_zero: tmp_size += 1 tmp = np.zeros((tmp_size, 1)) * b2.amp tmp[t_start: t_end + 1, 0] = amplitude curr = b2.TimedArray(tmp, dt=1. * unit_time) return curr
[docs]def get_ramp_current(t_start, t_end, unit_time, amplitude_start, amplitude_end, append_zero=True): """Creates a ramp current. If t_start == t_end, then ALL entries are 0. Args: t_start (int): start of the ramp t_end (int): end of the ramp unit_time (Brian2 unit): unit of t_start and t_end. e.g. 0.1* amplitude_start (Quantity): amplitude of the ramp at t_start. e.g. 3.5*brian2.uamp amplitude_end (Quantity): amplitude of the ramp at t_end. e.g. 4.5*brian2.uamp append_zero (bool, optional): if true, 0Amp is appended at t_end+1. Without that trailing 0, Brian reads out the last value in the array (=amplitude_end) for all indices > t_end. Returns: TimedArray: Brian2.TimedArray """ assert isinstance(t_start, int), "t_start_ms must be of type int" assert isinstance(t_end, int), "t_end must be of type int" assert b2.units.fundamentalunits.have_same_dimensions(amplitude_start, b2.amp), \ "amplitude must have the dimension of current e.g. brian2.uamp" assert b2.units.fundamentalunits.have_same_dimensions(amplitude_end, b2.amp), \ "amplitude must have the dimension of current e.g. brian2.uamp" tmp_size = 1 + t_end # +1 for t=0 if append_zero: tmp_size += 1 tmp = np.zeros((tmp_size, 1)) * b2.amp if t_end > t_start: # if deltaT is zero, we return a zero current slope = (amplitude_end - amplitude_start) / float((t_end - t_start)) ramp = [amplitude_start + t * slope for t in range(0, (t_end - t_start) + 1)] tmp[t_start: t_end + 1, 0] = ramp curr = b2.TimedArray(tmp, dt=1. * unit_time) return curr
[docs]def get_sinusoidal_current(t_start, t_end, unit_time, amplitude, frequency, direct_current, phase_offset=0., append_zero=True): """Creates a sinusoidal current. If t_start == t_end, then ALL entries are 0. Args: t_start (int): start of the sine wave t_end (int): end of the sine wave unit_time (Quantity, Time): unit of t_start and t_end. e.g. 0.1* amplitude (Quantity, Current): maximum amplitude of the sinus e.g. 3.5*brian2.uamp frequency (Quantity, Hz): Frequency of the sine. e.g. 0.5*brian2.kHz direct_current(Quantity, Current): DC-component (=offset) of the current phase_offset (float, Optional): phase at t_start. Default = 0. append_zero (bool, optional): if true, 0Amp is appended at t_end+1. Without that trailing 0, Brian reads out the last value in the array for all indices > t_end. Returns: TimedArray: Brian2.TimedArray """ assert isinstance(t_start, int), "t_start_ms must be of type int" assert isinstance(t_end, int), "t_end must be of type int" assert b2.units.fundamentalunits.have_same_dimensions(amplitude, b2.amp), \ "amplitude must have the dimension of current. e.g. brian2.uamp" assert b2.units.fundamentalunits.have_same_dimensions(direct_current, b2.amp), \ "direct_current must have the dimension of current. e.g. brian2.uamp" assert b2.units.fundamentalunits.have_same_dimensions(frequency, b2.Hz), \ "frequency must have the dimension of 1/Time. e.g. brian2.Hz" tmp_size = 1 + t_end # +1 for t=0 if append_zero: tmp_size += 1 tmp = np.zeros((tmp_size, 1)) * b2.amp if t_end > t_start: # if deltaT is zero, we return a zero current phi = range(0, (t_end - t_start) + 1) phi = phi * unit_time * frequency phi = phi * 2. * math.pi + phase_offset c = numpy.sin(phi) c = (direct_current + c * amplitude) tmp[t_start: t_end + 1, 0] = c curr = b2.TimedArray(tmp, dt=1. * unit_time) return curr
[docs]def get_zero_current(): """ Returns a TimedArray with one entry: 0 Amp Returns: TimedArray """ return get_step_current(0, 0,, 0 * b2.amp, append_zero=False)
[docs]def get_spikes_current(t_spikes, unit_time, amplitude, append_zero=True): """Creates a two dimensional TimedArray wich has one column for each value in t_spikes. All values in each column are 0 except one, the spike time as specified in t_spikes is set to amplitude. Note: This function is provided to easily insert pulse currents into a cable. For other use of spike input, search the Brian2 documentation for SpikeGeneration. Args: t_spikes (int): list of spike times unit_time (Quantity, Time): unit of t_spikes . e.g. 1* amplitude (Quantity, Current): amplitude of the spike. All spikes have the sampe amplitude append_zero (bool, optional): if true, 0Amp is appended at t_end+1. Without that trailing 0, Brian reads out the last value in the array for all indices > t_end. Returns: TimedArray: Brian2.TimedArray """ assert isinstance(t_spikes, list), "t_spikes must be of type list" assert b2.units.fundamentalunits.have_same_dimensions(amplitude, b2.amp), \ "amplitude must have the dimension of current e.g. brian2.uamp" nr_spikes = len(t_spikes) t_max = max(t_spikes) tmp_size = 1 + t_max # +1 for t=0 if append_zero: tmp_size += 1 tmp = np.zeros((tmp_size, nr_spikes)) * b2.amp for i in range(nr_spikes): tmp[t_spikes[i], i] = amplitude curr = b2.TimedArray(tmp, dt=1. * unit_time) return curr
[docs]def plot_step_current_example(): """ Example for get_step_current. """ current = get_step_current(10, 30,, amplitude=5. * b2.uA, append_zero=False) data = current.values[:, 0] / b2.uamp plt.plot(data, "ro", markersize=10, fillstyle="full") plt.title("get_step_current(10, 30,, amplitude=5.*b2.uA, append_zero=False") plt.xlabel("index") plt.ylabel("value")
[docs]def plot_ramp_current_example(): """ Example for get_ramp_current """ current = get_ramp_current(10, 25,, 20 * b2.uamp, 50 * b2.uamp, append_zero=True) data = current.values[:, 0] / b2.uamp plt.plot(data, lw=3) plt.title("get_ramp_current(10, 25,, 20*b2.uamp, 50*b2.uamp, append_zero=True)") plt.xlabel("index") plt.ylabel("value")
[docs]def plot_sinusoidal_current_example(): """ Example for get_sinusoidal_current """ current = get_sinusoidal_current( 100, 1100,, amplitude=2 * b2.uamp, frequency=1.5 * b2.kHz, direct_current=1.5 * b2.uamp, phase_offset=math.pi / 6, append_zero=False) data = current.values[:, 0] / b2.uamp plt.plot(data, lw=3) plt.title("get_sinusoidal_current(100, 1100,, amplitude=2*b2.uamp, frequency=1.5*b2.kHz, \n" "direct_current=1.5*b2.uamp, phase_offset=pi/6, append_zero=False)") plt.xlabel("index") plt.ylabel("value")
[docs]def getting_started(): # plot examples plot_step_current_example() plot_ramp_current_example() plot_sinusoidal_current_example()
if __name__ == "__main__": getting_started()