Source code for neurodynex.working_memory_network.wm_model

Implementation of a working memory model.
Compte, A., Brunel, N., Goldman-Rakic, P. S., & Wang, X. J. (2000). Synaptic mechanisms and
network dynamics underlying spatial working memory in a cortical network model.
Cerebral Cortex, 10(9), 910-923.

Some parts of this implementation are inspired by material from
*Stanford University, BIOE 332: Large-Scale Neural Modeling, Kwabena Boahen & Tatiana Engel, 2013*,
online available.

Note: Most parameters differ from the original publication.

# This file is part of the exercise code repository accompanying
# the book: Neuronal Dynamics (see
# located at

# This free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0 as published by the
# Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with the repository. If not,
# see

# Should you reuse and publish the code for your own purposes,
# please cite the book or point to the webpage

# Wulfram Gerstner, Werner M. Kistler, Richard Naud, and Liam Paninski.
# Neuronal Dynamics: From Single Neurons to Networks and Models of Cognition.
# Cambridge University Press, 2014.

import brian2 as b2
from brian2 import NeuronGroup, Synapses, PoissonInput, network_operation
from brian2.monitors import StateMonitor, SpikeMonitor, PopulationRateMonitor
from random import sample
from collections import deque
from import plot_tools
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from scipy.special import erf
from numpy.fft import rfft, irfft

b2.defaultclock.dt = 0.05 *

[docs]def simulate_wm( N_excitatory=1024, N_inhibitory=256, N_extern_poisson=1000, poisson_firing_rate=1.4 * b2.Hz, weight_scaling_factor=2., sigma_weight_profile=20., Jpos_excit2excit=1.6, stimulus_center_deg=180, stimulus_width_deg=40, stimulus_strength=0.07 * b2.namp, t_stimulus_start=0 *, t_stimulus_duration=0 *, monitored_subset_size=1024, sim_time=800. * """ Args: N_excitatory (int): Size of the excitatory population N_inhibitory (int): Size of the inhibitory population weight_scaling_factor (float): weight prefactor. When increasing the size of the populations, the synaptic weights have to be decreased. Using the default values, we have N_excitatory*weight_scaling_factor = 2048 and N_inhibitory*weight_scaling_factor=512 N_extern_poisson (int): Size of the external input population (Poisson input) poisson_firing_rate (Quantity): Firing rate of the external population sigma_weight_profile (float): standard deviation of the gaussian input profile in the excitatory population. Jpos_excit2excit (float): Strength of the recurrent input within the excitatory population. Jneg_excit2excit is computed from sigma_weight_profile, Jpos_excit2excit and the normalization condition. stimulus_center_deg (float): Center of the stimulus in [0, 360] stimulus_width_deg (float): width of the stimulus. All neurons in stimulus_center_deg +\- (stimulus_width_deg/2) receive the same input current stimulus_strength (Quantity): Input current to the neurons at stimulus_center_deg +\- (stimulus_width_deg/2) t_stimulus_start (Quantity): time when the input stimulus is turned on t_stimulus_duration (Quantity): duration of the stimulus. monitored_subset_size (int): nr of neurons for which a Spike- and Voltage monitor is registered. sim_time (Quantity): simulation time Returns: results (tuple): rate_monitor_excit (Brian2 PopulationRateMonitor for the excitatory population), spike_monitor_excit, voltage_monitor_excit, idx_monitored_neurons_excit,\ rate_monitor_inhib, spike_monitor_inhib, voltage_monitor_inhib, idx_monitored_neurons_inhib,\ weight_profile_45 (The weights profile for the neuron with preferred direction = 45deg). """ # specify the excitatory pyramidal cells: Cm_excit = 0.5 * b2.nF # membrane capacitance of excitatory neurons G_leak_excit = 25.0 * b2.nS # leak conductance E_leak_excit = -70.0 * b2.mV # reversal potential v_firing_threshold_excit = -50.0 * b2.mV # spike condition v_reset_excit = -60.0 * b2.mV # reset voltage after spike t_abs_refract_excit = 2.0 * # absolute refractory period # specify the weight profile in the recurrent population # std-dev of the gaussian weight profile around the prefered direction # sigma_weight_profile = 12.0 # std-dev of the gaussian weight profile around the prefered direction # # Jneg_excit2excit = 0 # specify the inhibitory interneurons: Cm_inhib = 0.2 * b2.nF G_leak_inhib = 20.0 * b2.nS E_leak_inhib = -70.0 * b2.mV v_firing_threshold_inhib = -50.0 * b2.mV v_reset_inhib = -60.0 * b2.mV t_abs_refract_inhib = 1.0 * # specify the AMPA synapses E_AMPA = 0.0 * b2.mV tau_AMPA = .9 * 2.0 * # specify the GABA synapses E_GABA = -70.0 * b2.mV tau_GABA = 10.0 * # specify the NMDA synapses E_NMDA = 0.0 * b2.mV tau_NMDA_s = .65 * 100.0 * # orig: 100 tau_NMDA_x = .94 * 2.0 * alpha_NMDA = 0.5 * b2.kHz # projections from the external population G_extern2inhib = 2.38 * b2.nS G_extern2excit = 3.1 * b2.nS # projectsions from the inhibitory populations G_inhib2inhib = weight_scaling_factor * .35 * 1.024 * b2.nS G_inhib2excit = weight_scaling_factor * .35 * 1.336 * b2.nS # projections from the excitatory population G_excit2excit = weight_scaling_factor * .35 * 0.381 * b2.nS G_excit2inhib = weight_scaling_factor * .35 * 1.2 * 0.292 * b2.nS # todo: verify this scaling t_stimulus_end = t_stimulus_start + t_stimulus_duration # compute the simulus index stim_center_idx = int(round(N_excitatory / 360. * stimulus_center_deg)) stim_width_idx = int(round(N_excitatory / 360. * stimulus_width_deg / 2)) stim_target_idx = [idx % N_excitatory for idx in range(stim_center_idx - stim_width_idx, stim_center_idx + stim_width_idx + 1)] # precompute the weight profile for the recurrent population tmp = math.sqrt(2. * math.pi) * sigma_weight_profile * erf(180. / math.sqrt(2.) / sigma_weight_profile) / 360. Jneg_excit2excit = (1. - Jpos_excit2excit * tmp) / (1. - tmp) presyn_weight_kernel = \ [(Jneg_excit2excit + (Jpos_excit2excit - Jneg_excit2excit) * math.exp(-.5 * (360. * min(j, N_excitatory - j) / N_excitatory) ** 2 / sigma_weight_profile ** 2)) for j in range(N_excitatory)] # validate the normalization condition: (360./N_excitatory)*sum(presyn_weight_kernel)/360. fft_presyn_weight_kernel = rfft(presyn_weight_kernel) weight_profile_45 = deque(presyn_weight_kernel) rot_dist = int(round(len(weight_profile_45) / 8)) weight_profile_45.rotate(rot_dist) # define the inhibitory population inhib_lif_dynamics = """ s_NMDA_total : 1 # the post synaptic sum of s. compare with s_NMDA_presyn dv/dt = ( - G_leak_inhib * (v-E_leak_inhib) - G_extern2inhib * s_AMPA * (v-E_AMPA) - G_inhib2inhib * s_GABA * (v-E_GABA) - G_excit2inhib * s_NMDA_total * (v-E_NMDA)/(1.0+1.0*exp(-0.062*v/volt)/3.57) )/Cm_inhib : volt (unless refractory) ds_AMPA/dt = -s_AMPA/tau_AMPA : 1 ds_GABA/dt = -s_GABA/tau_GABA : 1 """ inhib_pop = NeuronGroup( N_inhibitory, model=inhib_lif_dynamics, threshold="v>v_firing_threshold_inhib", reset="v=v_reset_inhib", refractory=t_abs_refract_inhib, method="rk2") # initialize with random voltages: inhib_pop.v = numpy.random.uniform(v_reset_inhib / b2.mV, high=v_firing_threshold_inhib / b2.mV, size=N_inhibitory) * b2.mV # set the connections: inhib2inhib syn_inhib2inhib = Synapses(inhib_pop, target=inhib_pop, on_pre="s_GABA += 1.0", delay=0.0 * syn_inhib2inhib.connect(condition="i!=j", p=1.0) # set the connections: extern2inhib input_ext2inhib = PoissonInput(target=inhib_pop, target_var="s_AMPA", N=N_extern_poisson, rate=poisson_firing_rate, weight=1.0) # specify the excitatory population: excit_lif_dynamics = """ I_stim : amp s_NMDA_total : 1 # the post synaptic sum of s. compare with s_NMDA_presyn dv/dt = ( - G_leak_excit * (v-E_leak_excit) - G_extern2excit * s_AMPA * (v-E_AMPA) - G_inhib2excit * s_GABA * (v-E_GABA) - G_excit2excit * s_NMDA_total * (v-E_NMDA)/(1.0+1.0*exp(-0.062*v/volt)/3.57) + I_stim )/Cm_excit : volt (unless refractory) ds_AMPA/dt = -s_AMPA/tau_AMPA : 1 ds_GABA/dt = -s_GABA/tau_GABA : 1 ds_NMDA/dt = -s_NMDA/tau_NMDA_s + alpha_NMDA * x * (1-s_NMDA) : 1 dx/dt = -x/tau_NMDA_x : 1 """ excit_pop = NeuronGroup(N_excitatory, model=excit_lif_dynamics, threshold="v>v_firing_threshold_excit", reset="v=v_reset_excit; x+=1.0", refractory=t_abs_refract_excit, method="rk2") # initialize with random voltages: excit_pop.v = numpy.random.uniform(v_reset_excit / b2.mV, high=v_firing_threshold_excit / b2.mV, size=N_excitatory) * b2.mV excit_pop.I_stim = 0. * b2.namp # set the connections: extern2excit input_ext2excit = PoissonInput(target=excit_pop, target_var="s_AMPA", N=N_extern_poisson, rate=poisson_firing_rate, weight=1.0) # set the connections: inhibitory to excitatory syn_inhib2excit = Synapses(inhib_pop, target=excit_pop, on_pre="s_GABA += 1.0") syn_inhib2excit.connect(p=1.0) # set the connections: excitatory to inhibitory NMDA connections syn_excit2inhib = Synapses(excit_pop, inhib_pop, model="s_NMDA_total_post = s_NMDA_pre : 1 (summed)", method="rk2") syn_excit2inhib.connect(p=1.0) # # set the connections: UNSTRUCTURED excitatory to excitatory # syn_excit2excit = Synapses(excit_pop, excit_pop, # model= "s_NMDA_total_post = s_NMDA_pre : 1 (summed)", method="rk2") # syn_excit2excit.connect(condition="i!=j", p=1.) # set the STRUCTURED recurrent input. use a network_operation @network_operation() def update_nmda_sum(): fft_s_NMDA = rfft(excit_pop.s_NMDA) fft_s_NMDA_total = numpy.multiply(fft_presyn_weight_kernel, fft_s_NMDA) s_NMDA_tot = irfft(fft_s_NMDA_total) excit_pop.s_NMDA_total_ = s_NMDA_tot @network_operation(dt=1 * def stimulate_network(t): if t >= t_stimulus_start and t < t_stimulus_end: # excit_pop[stim_start_i - 15:stim_start_i + 15].I_stim = 0.25 * b2.namp # Todo: review indexing # print("stim on") excit_pop.I_stim[stim_target_idx] = stimulus_strength else: # print("stim off") excit_pop.I_stim = 0. * b2.namp def get_monitors(pop, nr_monitored, N): nr_monitored = min(nr_monitored, (N)) idx_monitored_neurons = \ [int(math.ceil(k)) for k in numpy.linspace(0, N - 1, nr_monitored + 2)][1:-1] # sample(range(N), nr_monitored) rate_monitor = PopulationRateMonitor(pop) # record= some_list is not supported? :-( spike_monitor = SpikeMonitor(pop, record=idx_monitored_neurons) voltage_monitor = StateMonitor(pop, "v", record=idx_monitored_neurons) return rate_monitor, spike_monitor, voltage_monitor, idx_monitored_neurons # collect data of a subset of neurons: rate_monitor_inhib, spike_monitor_inhib, voltage_monitor_inhib, idx_monitored_neurons_inhib = \ get_monitors(inhib_pop, monitored_subset_size, N_inhibitory) rate_monitor_excit, spike_monitor_excit, voltage_monitor_excit, idx_monitored_neurons_excit = \ get_monitors(excit_pop, monitored_subset_size, N_excitatory) return \ rate_monitor_excit, spike_monitor_excit, voltage_monitor_excit, idx_monitored_neurons_excit,\ rate_monitor_inhib, spike_monitor_inhib, voltage_monitor_inhib, idx_monitored_neurons_inhib,\ weight_profile_45
[docs]def getting_started(): b2.defaultclock.dt = 0.1 * rate_monitor_excit, spike_monitor_excit, voltage_monitor_excit, idx_monitored_neurons_excit,\ rate_monitor_inhib, spike_monitor_inhib, voltage_monitor_inhib, idx_monitored_neurons_inhib,\ weight_profile\ = simulate_wm(N_excitatory=256, N_inhibitory=64, weight_scaling_factor=8., sim_time=500. *, stimulus_center_deg=120, t_stimulus_start=100 *, t_stimulus_duration=200 *, stimulus_strength=.07 * b2.namp) plot_tools.plot_network_activity(rate_monitor_excit, spike_monitor_excit, voltage_monitor_excit, t_min=0. *
if __name__ == "__main__": getting_started()