Source code for neurodynex.hopfield_network.pattern_tools

Functions to create 2D patterns.
Note, in the hopfield model, we define patterns as vectors. To make
the exercise more visual, we use 2D patterns (N by N ndarrays).

# This file is part of the exercise code repository accompanying
# the book: Neuronal Dynamics (see
# located at

# This free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0 as published by the
# Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with the repository. If not,
# see

# Should you reuse and publish the code for your own purposes,
# please cite the book or point to the webpage

# Wulfram Gerstner, Werner M. Kistler, Richard Naud, and Liam Paninski.
# Neuronal Dynamics: From Single Neurons to Networks and Models of Cognition.
# Cambridge University Press, 2014.

import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
import pickle
import gzip
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
import sys

[docs]class PatternFactory: """ Creates square patterns of size pattern_length x pattern_width If pattern length is omitted, square patterns are produced """ def __init__(self, pattern_length, pattern_width=None): """ Constructor Args: pattern_length: the length of a pattern pattern_width: width or None. If None, patterns are squares of size (pattern_length x pattern_length) """ self.pattern_length = pattern_length self.pattern_width = pattern_length if pattern_width is None else pattern_width
[docs] def create_random_pattern(self, on_probability=0.5): """ Creates a pattern_length by pattern_width 2D random pattern Args: on_probability: Returns: a new random pattern """ p = np.random.binomial(1, on_probability, self.pattern_length * self.pattern_width) p = p * 2 - 1 # map {0, 1} to {-1 +1} return p.reshape((self.pattern_length, self.pattern_width))
[docs] def create_random_pattern_list(self, nr_patterns, on_probability=0.5): """ Creates a list of nr_patterns random patterns Args: nr_patterns: length of the new list on_probability: Returns: a list of new random patterns of size (pattern_length x pattern_width) """ p = list() for i in range(nr_patterns): p.append(self.create_random_pattern(on_probability)) return p
[docs] def create_row_patterns(self, nr_patterns=None): """ creates a list of n patterns, the i-th pattern in the list has all states of the i-th row set to active. This is convenient to create a list of orthogonal patterns which are easy to visually identify Args: nr_patterns: Returns: list of orthogonal patterns """ n = self.pattern_width if nr_patterns is None else nr_patterns pattern_list = [] for i in range(n): p = self.create_all_off() p[i, :] = np.ones((1, self.pattern_length)) pattern_list.append(p) return pattern_list
[docs] def create_all_on(self): """ Returns: 2d pattern, all pixels on """ return np.ones((self.pattern_length, self.pattern_width),
[docs] def create_all_off(self): """ Returns: 2d pattern, all pixels off """ return -1 * np.ones((self.pattern_length, self.pattern_width),
[docs] def create_checkerboard(self): """ creates a checkerboard pattern of size (pattern_length x pattern_width) Returns: checkerboard pattern """ pw = np.ones(self.pattern_length, # set every second value to -1 pw[1::2] = -1 pl = np.ones(self.pattern_width, # set every second value to -1 pl[1::2] = -1 t = linalg.toeplitz(pw, pl) t = t.reshape((self.pattern_length, self.pattern_width)) return t
[docs] def create_L_pattern(self, l_width=1): """ creates a pattern with column 0 (left) and row n (bottom) set to +1. Increase l_width to set more columns and rows (default is 1) Args: l_width (int): nr of rows and columns to set Returns: an L shaped pattern. """ l_pat = -1 * np.ones((self.pattern_length, self.pattern_width), for i in range(l_width): l_pat[-i - 1, :] = np.ones(self.pattern_length, l_pat[:, i] = np.ones(self.pattern_length, return l_pat
[docs] def reshape_patterns(self, pattern_list): """ reshapes all patterns in pattern_list to have shape = (self.pattern_length, self.pattern_width) Args: self: pattern_list: Returns: """ new_shape = (self.pattern_length, self.pattern_width) return reshape_patterns(pattern_list, new_shape)
[docs]def reshape_patterns(pattern_list, shape): """ reshapes each pattern in pattern_list to the given shape Args: pattern_list: shape: Returns: """ reshaped_patterns = [p.reshape(shape) for p in pattern_list] return reshaped_patterns
[docs]def get_pattern_diff(pattern1, pattern2, diff_code=0): """ Creates a new pattern of same size as the two patterns. the diff pattern has the values pattern1 = pattern2 where the two patterns have the same value. Locations that differ between the two patterns are set to diff_code (default = 0) Args: pattern1: pattern2: diff_code: the values of the new pattern, at locations that differ between the two patterns are set to diff_code. Returns: the diff pattern. """ if pattern1.shape != pattern2.shape: raise ValueError("patterns are not of equal shape") diffs = np.multiply(pattern1, pattern2) pattern_with_diffs = np.where(diffs < 0, diff_code, pattern1) return pattern_with_diffs
[docs]def flip_n(template, nr_of_flips): """ makes a copy of the template pattern and flips exactly n randomly selected states. Args: template: nr_of_flips: Returns: a new pattern """ n = # pick nrOfMutations indices (without replacement) idx_reassignment = np.random.choice(n, nr_of_flips, replace=False) linear_template = template.flatten() linear_template[idx_reassignment] = -linear_template[idx_reassignment] return linear_template.reshape(template.shape)
[docs]def get_noisy_copy(template, noise_level): """ Creates a copy of the template pattern and reassigns N pixels. N is determined by the noise_level Note: reassigning a random value is not the same as flipping the state. This function reassigns a random value. Args: template: noise_level: a value in [0,1]. for 0, this returns a copy of the template. for 1, a random pattern of the same size as template is returned. Returns: """ if noise_level == 0: return template.copy() if noise_level < 0 or noise_level > 1: raise ValueError("noise level is not in [0,1] but {}0".format(noise_level)) linear_template = template.copy().flatten() n = nr_mutations = int(round(n * noise_level)) idx_reassignment = np.random.choice(n, nr_mutations, replace=False) rand_values = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, n) rand_values = rand_values * 2 - 1 # map {0,1} to {-1, +1} linear_template[idx_reassignment] = rand_values return linear_template.reshape(template.shape)
[docs]def compute_overlap(pattern1, pattern2): """ compute overlap Args: pattern1: pattern2: Returns: Overlap between pattern1 and pattern2 """ shape1 = pattern1.shape if shape1 != pattern2.shape: raise ValueError("patterns are not of equal shape") dot_prod =, pattern2.flatten()) return float(dot_prod) / (
[docs]def compute_overlap_list(reference_pattern, pattern_list): """ Computes the overlap between the reference_pattern and each pattern in pattern_list Args: reference_pattern: pattern_list: list of patterns Returns: A list of the same length as pattern_list """ overlap = np.zeros(len(pattern_list)) for i in range(0, len(pattern_list)): overlap[i] = compute_overlap(reference_pattern, pattern_list[i]) return overlap
[docs]def compute_overlap_matrix(pattern_list): """ For each pattern, it computes the overlap to all other patterns. Args: pattern_list: Returns: the matrix m(i,k) = overlap(pattern_list[i], pattern_list[k] """ nr_patterns = len(pattern_list) overlap = np.zeros((nr_patterns, nr_patterns)) for i in range(nr_patterns): for k in range(i, nr_patterns): if i == k: overlap[i, i] = 1 # no need to compute the overlap with itself else: overlap[i, k] = compute_overlap(pattern_list[i], pattern_list[k]) overlap[k, i] = overlap[i, k] # because overlap is symmetric return overlap
[docs]def load_alphabet(): """Load alphabet dict from the file ``data/alphabet.pickle.gz``, which is included in the neurodynex release. Returns: dict: Dictionary of 10x10 patterns Raises: ImportError: Raised if ``neurodynex`` can not be imported. Please install `neurodynex <>`_. """ # Todo: consider removing the zip file and explicitly store the strings here. file_str = "data/alphabet.pickle.gz" try: file_name = resource_filename("neurodynex", file_str) except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import data file %s. " % file_str + "Make sure the pypi package `neurodynex` is installed!" ) with"%s" % file_name) as f: if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0): # python2 pickle.loads has no attribute "encoding" abc_dict = pickle.load(f) else: # latin1 is required for python3 compatibility abc_dict = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin1") # shape the patterns and provide upper case keys ABC_dict = dict() for key in abc_dict: ABC_dict[key.upper()] = abc_dict[key].reshape((10, 10)) return ABC_dict
if __name__ == "__main__": pf = PatternFactory(5) L = pf.create_L_pattern(l_width=2) print(L)