Source code for neurodynex.leaky_integrate_and_fire.LIF

This file implements a leaky intergrate-and-fire (LIF) model.
You can inject a step current or sinusoidal current into
neuron using LIF_Step() or LIF_Sinus() methods respectively.

Relevant book chapters:



# This file is part of the exercise code repository accompanying
# the book: Neuronal Dynamics (see
# located at

# This free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0 as published by the
# Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with the repository. If not,
# see

# Should you reuse and publish the code for your own purposes,
# please cite the book or point to the webpage

# Wulfram Gerstner, Werner M. Kistler, Richard Naud, and Liam Paninski.
# Neuronal Dynamics: From Single Neurons to Networks and Models of Cognition.
# Cambridge University Press, 2014.

import brian2 as b2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs]def plot_data(rec, v_threshold=1., title=None): """Plots a TimedArray for values I and v Args: rec (TimedArray): the data to plot v_threshold (float): plots a threshold at this level [mV] title (string): plot title to display """ plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(rec.t/, rec.v[0]/b2.mV, lw=2) if v_threshold is not None: plt.plot( (rec.t/[[0, -1]], [v_threshold, v_threshold], 'r--', lw=2 ) plt.xlabel('t [ms]') plt.ylabel('v [mV]') plt.ylim(0, v_threshold * 1.2) plt.grid() plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(rec.t/, rec.I[0]/b2.namp, lw=2) plt.xlabel('t [ms]') plt.ylabel('I [mV]') plt.grid() if title is not None: plt.suptitle(title)
[docs]def LIF_Neuron(curr, simtime): """Simple LIF neuron implemented in Brian2. Args: curr (TimedArray): Input current injected into the neuron simtime (float): Simulation time [seconds] Returns: StateMonitor: Brian2 StateMonitor with input current (I) and voltage (V) recorded """ # constants v_reset = 0.*b2.mV v_threshold = 1.*b2.mV R = 1*b2.Mohm v_rest = 0*b2.mV tau = 1* v_reset_ = "v=%f*volt" % v_reset v_threshold_ = "v>%f*volt" % v_threshold # differential equation of Leaky Integrate-and-Fire model eqs = ''' dv/dt = ( -(v-v_rest) + R * I ) / tau : volt I = curr(t) : amp ''' # LIF neuron using Brian2 library IF = b2.NeuronGroup(1, model=eqs, reset=v_reset_, threshold=v_threshold_) IF.v = v_rest # monitoring membrane potential of neuron and injecting current rec = b2.StateMonitor(IF, ['v', 'I'], record=True) # run the simulation return rec
[docs]def LIF_Step(I_tstart=20, I_tend=70, I_amp=1.005, tend=100, do_plot=True): """Run the LIF and give a step current input. Args: tend (float, optional): the simulation time of the model [ms] I_tstart (float, optional): start of current step [ms] I_tend (float, optional): start of end step [ms] I_amp (float, optional): amplitude of current step [nA] do_plot (bool, optional): plot the resulting simulation Returns: StateMonitor: Brian2 StateMonitor with input current (I) and voltage (V) recorded """ # 1ms sampled step current tmp = np.zeros(tend) * b2.namp tmp[int(I_tstart):int(I_tend)] = I_amp * b2.namp curr = b2.TimedArray(tmp, dt=1.* rec = LIF_Neuron(curr, tend * if do_plot: plot_data( rec, title="Step current", ) return rec
[docs]def LIF_Sinus(I_freq=0.1, I_offset=0.5, I_amp=0.5, tend=100, dt=.1, do_plot=True): """ Run the LIF for a sinusoidal current Args: tend (float, optional): the simulation time of the model [ms] I_freq (float, optional): frequency of current sinusoidal [kHz] I_offset (float, optional): DC offset of current [nA] I_amp (float, optional): amplitude of sinusoidal [nA] do_plot (bool, optional): plot the resulting simulation Returns: StateMonitor: Brian2 StateMonitor with input current (I) and voltage (V) recorded """ # dt sampled sinusoidal function t = np.arange(0, tend, dt) tmp = (I_amp*np.sin(2.0*np.pi*I_freq*t)+I_offset) * b2.namp curr = b2.TimedArray(tmp, dt=dt* rec = LIF_Neuron(curr, tend * if do_plot: plot_data( rec, title="Sinusoidal current", ) return rec