Source code for neurodynex.hopfield_network.hopfield

This file implements a Hopfield Network model.

Relevant book chapters:


# This file is part of the exercise code repository accompanying
# the book: Neuronal Dynamics (see
# located at

# This free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0 as published by the
# Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with the repository. If not,
# see

# Should you reuse and publish the code for your own purposes,
# please cite the book or point to the webpage

# Wulfram Gerstner, Werner M. Kistler, Richard Naud, and Liam Paninski.
# Neuronal Dynamics: From Single Neurons to Networks and Models of Cognition.
# Cambridge University Press, 2014.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from copy import copy
import pickle
import gzip
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
import sys

plot_dic = {'cmap':, 'interpolation': 'nearest'}

[docs]class HopfieldNetwork: """Implements a Hopfield network of size N. Attributes: N (int): Square root of number of neurons patterns (numpy.ndarray): Array of stored patterns weight (numpy.ndarray): Array of stored weights x (numpy.ndarray): Network state (of size N**2) """ def __init__(self, N): self.N = N
[docs] def make_pattern(self, P=1, ratio=0.5, letters=None): """Creates and stores additional patterns to the network. Args: P (int, optional): number of patterns (used only for random patterns) ratio (float, optional): percentage of 'on' pixels for random patterns letters (TYPE, optional): to store characters use as input a string with the desired letters. Example: ``make_pattern(letters='abcdjft')`` Raises: ValueError: Raised if N!=10 and letters!=None. For now letters are hardcoded for N=10. """ if letters: if self.N != 10: raise ValueError('the network size must be equal to 10') alph = load_alphabet() self.patterns = -np.ones((len(letters), self.N**2), int) idx = 0 for i in letters: self.patterns[idx] = alph[i] idx += 1 else: self.patterns = -np.ones((P, self.N**2), int) idx = int(ratio*self.N**2) for i in range(P): self.patterns[i, :idx] = 1 self.patterns[i] = np.random.permutation(self.patterns[i]) self.weight = np.zeros((self.N**2, self.N**2)) for i in range(self.N**2): self.weight[i] = 1./self.N**2 * ( np.sum( self.patterns[k, i] * self.patterns[k] for k in range(self.patterns.shape[0]) ) )
[docs] def grid(self, mu=None): """Reshape an array of length NxN to a matrix NxN Args: mu (TYPE, optional): If None, return the reshaped network state. For an integer i < P, return the reshaped pattern i. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Reshaped network state or pattern """ if mu is not None: x_grid = np.reshape(self.patterns[mu], (self.N, self.N)) else: x_grid = np.reshape(self.x, (self.N, self.N)) return x_grid
[docs] def dynamic(self): """Executes one timestep of the dynamics""" h = np.sum(self.weight*self.x, axis=1) self.x = np.sign(h)
[docs] def overlap(self, mu): """Computes the overlap of the current state with pattern number mu. Args: mu (int): The index of the pattern to compare with. """ return 1./self.N**2*np.sum(self.patterns[mu]*self.x)
[docs] def run(self, t_max=20, mu=0, flip_ratio=0, do_plot=True): """Runs the dynamics and optionally plots it. Args: t_max (float, optional): Timesteps to simulate mu (int, optional): Pattern number to use as initial pattern for the network state (< P) flip_ratio (int, optional): ratio of randomized pixels. For example, to run pattern #5 with 5% flipped pixels use ``run(mu=5,flip_ratio=0.05)`` do_plot (bool, optional): Plot the network as it is updated Raises: IndexError: Raised if given pattern index is too high. RuntimeError: Raised if no patterns have been created. """ try: self.patterns except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError( 'No patterns created: please ' + 'use make_pattern to create at least one pattern.' ) try: self.patterns[mu] except: raise IndexError('Pattern index too high (has to be < P)') # set the initial state of the net self.x = copy(self.patterns[mu]) flip = np.random.permutation(np.arange(self.N**2)) idx = int(self.N**2 * flip_ratio) self.x[flip[0:idx]] *= -1 t = [0] overlap = [self.overlap(mu)] # prepare the figure fig = plt.figure() # plot the current network state plt.subplot(221) # keep a handle to the image for updating g1 = plt.imshow(self.grid(), **plot_dic) plt.axis('off') plt.title('x') # plot the target pattern plt.subplot(222) plt.imshow(self.grid(mu=mu), **plot_dic) plt.axis('off') plt.title('pattern %i' % mu) # plot the time course of the overlap plt.subplot(212) # keep a handle to the image for updating g2, = plt.plot(t, overlap, 'k', lw=2) plt.axis([0, t_max, -1, 1]) plt.ylim([-1.1, 1.1]) plt.xlabel('time step') plt.ylabel('overlap') # this forces pylab to update and show the fig. x_old = copy(self.x) for i in range(t_max): # run a step self.dynamic() t.append(i+1) overlap.append(self.overlap(mu)) # update the plotted data g1.set_data(self.grid()) g2.set_data(t, overlap) # update the figure so that we see the changes plt.draw() # check the exit condition i_fin = i+1 if np.sum(np.abs(x_old-self.x)) == 0: break x_old = copy(self.x) # sleep for replotting plt.pause(0.5) print("Pattern recovered in %i time steps." % i_fin + " Final overlap %.3f" % overlap[-1])
[docs]def load_alphabet(): """Load alphabet dict from the file ``data/alphabet.pickle.gz``, which is included in the neurodynex release. Returns: dict: Dictionary of 10x10 patterns Raises: ImportError: Raised if ``neurodynex`` can not be imported. Please install `neurodynex <>`_. """ file_str = 'data/alphabet.pickle.gz' try: file_name = resource_filename('neurodynex', file_str) except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import data file %s. " % file_str + "Make sure the pypi package `neurodynex` is installed!" ) with"%s" % file_name) as f: if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0): # python2 pickle.loads has no attribute 'encoding' return pickle.load(f) else: # latin1 is required for python3 compatibility return pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1')