Source code for neurodynex3.hodgkin_huxley.HH

Implementation of a Hodging-Huxley neuron
Relevant book chapters:



# This file is part of the exercise code repository accompanying
# the book: Neuronal Dynamics (see
# located at

# This free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0 as published by the
# Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with the repository. If not,
# see

# Should you reuse and publish the code for your own purposes,
# please cite the book or point to the webpage

# Wulfram Gerstner, Werner M. Kistler, Richard Naud, and Liam Paninski.
# Neuronal Dynamics: From Single Neurons to Networks and Models of Cognition.
# Cambridge University Press, 2014.

import brian2 as b2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import as input_factory

[docs]def plot_data(state_monitor, title=None): """Plots the state_monitor variables ["vm", "I_e", "m", "n", "h"] vs. time. Args: state_monitor (StateMonitor): the data to plot title (string, optional): plot title to display """ plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(state_monitor.t /, state_monitor.vm[0] / b2.mV, lw=2) plt.xlabel("t [ms]") plt.ylabel("v [mV]") plt.grid() plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(state_monitor.t /, state_monitor.m[0] / b2.volt, "black", lw=2) plt.plot(state_monitor.t /, state_monitor.n[0] / b2.volt, "blue", lw=2) plt.plot(state_monitor.t /, state_monitor.h[0] / b2.volt, "red", lw=2) plt.xlabel("t (ms)") plt.ylabel("act./inact.") plt.legend(("m", "n", "h")) plt.ylim((0, 1)) plt.grid() plt.subplot(313) plt.plot(state_monitor.t /, state_monitor.I_e[0] / b2.uamp, lw=2) plt.axis(( 0, np.max(state_monitor.t /, min(state_monitor.I_e[0] / b2.uamp) * 1.1, max(state_monitor.I_e[0] / b2.uamp) * 1.1 )) plt.xlabel("t [ms]") plt.ylabel("I [micro A]") plt.grid() if title is not None: plt.suptitle(title)
[docs]def simulate_HH_neuron(input_current, simulation_time): """A Hodgkin-Huxley neuron implemented in Brian2. Args: input_current (TimedArray): Input current injected into the HH neuron simulation_time (float): Simulation time [seconds] Returns: StateMonitor: Brian2 StateMonitor with recorded fields ["vm", "I_e", "m", "n", "h"] """ # neuron parameters El = 10.6 * b2.mV EK = -12 * b2.mV ENa = 115 * b2.mV gl = 0.3 * b2.msiemens gK = 36 * b2.msiemens gNa = 120 * b2.msiemens C = 1 * b2.ufarad # forming HH model with differential equations eqs = """ I_e = input_current(t,i) : amp membrane_Im = I_e + gNa*m**3*h*(ENa-vm) + \ gl*(El-vm) + gK*n**4*(EK-vm) : amp alphah = .07*exp(-.05*vm/mV)/ms : Hz alpham = .1*(25*mV-vm)/(exp(2.5-.1*vm/mV)-1)/mV/ms : Hz alphan = .01*(10*mV-vm)/(exp(1-.1*vm/mV)-1)/mV/ms : Hz betah = 1./(1+exp(3.-.1*vm/mV))/ms : Hz betam = 4*exp(-.0556*vm/mV)/ms : Hz betan = .125*exp(-.0125*vm/mV)/ms : Hz dh/dt = alphah*(1-h)-betah*h : 1 dm/dt = alpham*(1-m)-betam*m : 1 dn/dt = alphan*(1-n)-betan*n : 1 dvm/dt = membrane_Im/C : volt """ neuron = b2.NeuronGroup(1, eqs, method="exponential_euler") # parameter initialization neuron.vm = 0 neuron.m = 0.05 neuron.h = 0.60 neuron.n = 0.32 # tracking parameters st_mon = b2.StateMonitor(neuron, ["vm", "I_e", "m", "n", "h"], record=True) # running the simulation hh_net = b2.Network(neuron) hh_net.add(st_mon) return st_mon
[docs]def getting_started(): """ An example to quickly get started with the Hodgkin-Huxley module. """ current = input_factory.get_step_current(10, 45,, 7.2 * b2.uA) state_monitor = simulate_HH_neuron(current, 70 * plot_data(state_monitor, title="HH Neuron, step current")
if __name__ == "__main__": getting_started()