Source code for

# This file is part of the exercise code repository accompanying
# the book: Neuronal Dynamics (see
# located at

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# the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0 as published by the
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# GNU General Public License along with the repository. If not,
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# Should you reuse and publish the code for your own purposes,
# please cite the book or point to the webpage

# Wulfram Gerstner, Werner M. Kistler, Richard Naud, and Liam Paninski.
# Neuronal Dynamics: From Single Neurons to Networks and Models of Cognition.
# Cambridge University Press, 2014.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import brian2 as b2
import numpy

[docs]def plot_voltage_and_current_traces(voltage_monitor, current, title=None, firing_threshold=None, legend_location=1): """plots voltage and current . Args: voltage_monitor (StateMonitor): recorded voltage current (TimedArray): injected current title (string, optional): title of the figure firing_threshold (Quantity, optional): if set to a value, the firing threshold is plotted. Returns: the figure """ assert isinstance(voltage_monitor, b2.StateMonitor), "voltage_monitor is not of type StateMonitor" assert isinstance(current, b2.TimedArray), "current is not of type TimedArray" time_values_ms = voltage_monitor.t / # current axis_c = plt.subplot(211) c = current(voltage_monitor.t, 0) max_current = max(current(voltage_monitor.t, 0)) min_current = min(current(voltage_monitor.t, 0)) margin = 1.05 * (max_current - min_current) # plot the input current time-aligned with the voltage monitor plt.plot(voltage_monitor.t /, c, "r", lw=2) if margin > 0.: plt.ylim((min_current - margin) / b2.amp, (max_current + margin) / b2.amp) # plt.xlabel("t [ms]") plt.ylabel("Input current [A] \n min: {0} \nmax: {1}".format(min_current, max_current)) plt.grid() axis_v = plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(time_values_ms, voltage_monitor[0].v / b2.mV, lw=2) if firing_threshold is not None: plt.plot( (voltage_monitor.t /[[0, -1]], [firing_threshold / b2.mV, firing_threshold / b2.mV], "r--", lw=2 ) max_val = max(voltage_monitor[0].v) if firing_threshold is not None: max_val = max(max_val, firing_threshold) min_val = min(voltage_monitor[0].v) margin = 0.05 * (max_val - min_val) plt.ylim((min_val - margin) / b2.mV, (max_val + margin) / b2.mV) plt.xlabel("t [ms]") plt.ylabel("membrane voltage [mV]\n min: {0}\n max: {1}".format(min_val, max_val)) plt.grid() if firing_threshold is not None: plt.legend(["vm", "firing threshold"], fontsize=12, loc=legend_location) if title is not None: plt.suptitle(title) return axis_c, axis_v
[docs]def plot_network_activity(rate_monitor, spike_monitor, voltage_monitor=None, spike_train_idx_list=None, t_min=None, t_max=None, N_highlighted_spiketrains=3): """ Visualizes the results of a network simulation: spike-train, population activity and voltage-traces. Args: rate_monitor (PopulationRateMonitor): rate of the population spike_monitor (SpikeMonitor): spike trains of individual neurons voltage_monitor (StateMonitor): optional. voltage traces of some (same as in spike_train_idx_list) neurons spike_train_idx_list (list): optional. A list of neuron indices whose spike-train is plotted. If no list is provided, all (up to 500) spike-trains in the spike_monitor are plotted. t_min (Quantity): optional. lower bound of the plotted time interval. if t_min is None, it is set to the larger of [0ms, (t_max - 100ms)] t_max (Quantity): optional. upper bound of the plotted time interval. if t_max is None, it is set to the timestamp of the last spike in N_highlighted_spiketrains (int): optional. Number of spike trains visually highlighted, defaults to 3 If N_highlighted_spiketrains==0 and voltage_monitor is not None, then all voltage traces of the voltage_monitor are plotted. Otherwise N_highlighted_spiketrains voltage traces are plotted. Returns: Figure: The whole figure Axes: Top panel, Raster plot Axes: Middle panel, population activity Axes: Bottom panel, voltage traces. None if no voltage monitor is provided. """ assert isinstance(rate_monitor, b2.PopulationRateMonitor), \ "rate_monitor is not of type PopulationRateMonitor" assert isinstance(spike_monitor, b2.SpikeMonitor), \ "spike_monitor is not of type SpikeMonitor" assert (voltage_monitor is None) or (isinstance(voltage_monitor, b2.StateMonitor)), \ "voltage_monitor is not of type StateMonitor" assert (spike_train_idx_list is None) or (isinstance(spike_train_idx_list, list)), \ "spike_train_idx_list is not of type list" all_spike_trains = spike_monitor.spike_trains() if spike_train_idx_list is None: if voltage_monitor is not None: # if no index list is provided use the one from the voltage monitor spike_train_idx_list = numpy.sort(voltage_monitor.record) else: # no index list AND no voltage monitor: plot all spike trains spike_train_idx_list = numpy.sort(all_spike_trains.keys()) if len(spike_train_idx_list) > 500: # avoid slow plotting of a large set spike_train_idx_list = spike_train_idx_list[:500] # get a reasonable default interval if t_max is None: t_max = max(rate_monitor.t/ else: t_max = t_max/ if t_min is None: t_min = max(0., t_max-100.) # if none, plot at most the last 100ms else: t_min = t_min / fig = None ax_raster = None ax_rate = None ax_voltage = None if voltage_monitor is None: fig, (ax_raster, ax_rate) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) else: fig, (ax_raster, ax_rate, ax_voltage) = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True) # nested helpers to plot the parts, note that they use parameters defined outside. def get_spike_train_ts_indices(spike_train): """ Helper. Extracts the spikes within the time window from the spike train """ ts = spike_train/ # spike_within_time_window = (ts >= t_min) & (ts <= t_max) # idx_spikes = numpy.where(spike_within_time_window) idx_spikes = (ts >= t_min) & (ts <= t_max) ts_spikes = ts[idx_spikes] return idx_spikes, ts_spikes def plot_raster(): """ Helper. Plots the spike trains of the spikes in spike_train_idx_list """ neuron_counter = 0 for neuron_index in spike_train_idx_list: idx_spikes, ts_spikes = get_spike_train_ts_indices(all_spike_trains[neuron_index]) ax_raster.scatter(ts_spikes, neuron_counter * numpy.ones(ts_spikes.shape), marker=".", c="k", s=15, lw=0) neuron_counter += 1 ax_raster.set_ylim([0, neuron_counter]) def highlight_raster(neuron_idxs): """ Helper. Highlights three spike trains """ for i in range(len(neuron_idxs)): color = "r" if i == 0 else "k" raster_plot_index = neuron_idxs[i] population_index = spike_train_idx_list[raster_plot_index] idx_spikes, ts_spikes = get_spike_train_ts_indices(all_spike_trains[population_index]) ax_raster.axhline(y=raster_plot_index, linewidth=.5, linestyle="-", color=[.9, .9, .9]) ax_raster.scatter( ts_spikes, raster_plot_index * numpy.ones(ts_spikes.shape), marker=".", c=color, s=144, lw=0) ax_raster.set_ylabel("neuron #") ax_raster.set_title("Raster Plot (random subset)", fontsize=10) def plot_population_activity(): """ Helper. Plots the population rate and a mean """ ts = rate_monitor.t / idx_rate = (ts >= t_min) & (ts <= t_max) # ax_rate.plot(ts[idx_rate],rate_monitor.rate[idx_rate]/b2.Hz, ".k", markersize=2) smoothed_rates = rate_monitor.smooth_rate(window="flat", width=0.5* ax_rate.plot(ts[idx_rate], smoothed_rates[idx_rate]) ax_rate.set_ylabel("A(t) [Hz]") ax_rate.set_title("Population Activity", fontsize=10) def plot_voltage_traces(voltage_traces_i): """ Helper. Plots three voltage traces """ ts = voltage_monitor.t/ idx_voltage = (ts >= t_min) & (ts <= t_max) for i in range(len(voltage_traces_i)): color = "r" if i == 0 else ".7" raster_plot_index = voltage_traces_i[i] population_index = spike_train_idx_list[raster_plot_index] ax_voltage.plot( ts[idx_voltage], voltage_monitor[population_index].v[idx_voltage]/b2.mV, c=color, lw=1.) ax_voltage.set_ylabel("V(t) [mV]") ax_voltage.set_title("Voltage Traces", fontsize=10) plot_raster() plot_population_activity() nr_neurons = len(spike_train_idx_list) highlighted_neurons_i = [] # default to an empty list. if N_highlighted_spiketrains > 0: fract = numpy.linspace(0, 1, N_highlighted_spiketrains+2)[1:-1] highlighted_neurons_i = [int(nr_neurons * v) for v in fract] highlight_raster(highlighted_neurons_i) if voltage_monitor is not None: if N_highlighted_spiketrains == 0: traces_i = range(nr_neurons) else: traces_i = highlighted_neurons_i plot_voltage_traces(traces_i) plt.xlabel("t [ms]") return fig, ax_raster, ax_rate, ax_voltage
[docs]def plot_ISI_distribution(spike_stats, hist_nr_bins=50, xlim_max_ISI=None): """ Computes the ISI distribution of the given spike_monitor and displays the distribution in a histogram Args: spike_stats ( statistics of a population activity hist_nr_bins (int): Number of histrogram bins. Default:50 xlim_max_ISI (Quantity): Default: None. In not None, the upper xlim of the plot is set to xlim_max_ISI. The CV does not change if this bound is set. Returns: the figure """ from import spike_tools assert isinstance(spike_stats, spike_tools.PopulationSpikeStats), \ "spike_stats is not of type spike_tools.PopulationSpikeStats" isi_ms = spike_stats.all_ISI/ if xlim_max_ISI is not None: lim = xlim_max_ISI/ idx = isi_ms < lim isi_ms = isi_ms[idx] f = plt.figure() plt.hist(isi_ms, bins=hist_nr_bins) if xlim_max_ISI is not None: xmax = xlim_max_ISI / plt.xlim([0, xmax]) plt.title("ISI histogram, CV={}".format(round(spike_stats.CV, 3))) plt.xlabel("ISI [ms]") return f
[docs]def plot_spike_train_power_spectrum(freq, mean_ps, all_ps, max_freq, nr_highlighted_neurons=2, mean_firing_freqs_per_neuron=None, plot_f0=False): """ Visualizes the power spectrum of the spike trains. Args: freq: frequencies (= x axis) mean_ps: average power taken over all neurons (typically all of a subsample). all_ps (dict): power spectra for each single neuron max_freq (Quantity): The x-lim of the plot is [-0.05*max_freq, max_freq] mean_firing_freqs_per_neuron (float): None or the mean firing rate averaged across the neurons. Default is None in which case the value is not shown in the legend plot_f0 (bool): if true, the power at frequency 0 is plotted. Default is False and the value is not plotted. Returns: the figure and the index of the random neuron for which the PS is computed: all_ps[random_neuron_index] """ nr_neurons = len(all_ps) f = plt.figure() color = "r" msize = 10 legend_text = [] random_neuron_index = [] first_idx_to_plot = 0 if plot_f0 else 1 for i in range(nr_highlighted_neurons): rand_idx = numpy.random.randint(nr_neurons) rand_key = all_ps.keys()[rand_idx] rand_neuron_ps = all_ps[rand_key] plt.plot(freq[first_idx_to_plot:], rand_neuron_ps[first_idx_to_plot:], marker=".", linestyle=" ", markersize=msize, c=color) color = [.75, .75, .75] # print the first neuron in red and all others in gray msize = 8 random_neuron_index.append(rand_key) if mean_firing_freqs_per_neuron is None: legend_text.append("PS Neuron #{}".format(rand_key)) else: legend_text.append("PS Neuron #{}, avg rate={}" .format(rand_key, round(mean_firing_freqs_per_neuron[rand_key], 1))) plt.plot(freq[first_idx_to_plot:], mean_ps[first_idx_to_plot:], ".b") if mean_firing_freqs_per_neuron is None: legend_text.append("averaged PS") else: avg_rate = numpy.mean(mean_firing_freqs_per_neuron.values()) legend_text.append("averaged PS, avg rate={}".format(round(avg_rate, 1))) plt.legend(legend_text) plt.xlim([-0.05*max_freq/b2.Hz, max_freq/b2.Hz]) plt.axvline(x=0., lw=1, color="k") plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Frequency [Hz]") plt.ylabel("Power") plt.title("Single neuron power spectrum and average") return f, random_neuron_index
[docs]def plot_population_activity_power_spectrum(freq, ps, max_freq, average_At=None, plot_f0=False): """ Plots the power spectrum of the population activity A(t) Args: freq: frequencies (= x axis) ps: power spectrum of the population activity max_freq (Quantity): The data is plotted in the interval [-.05*max_freq, max_freq] plot_f0 (bool): if true, the power at frequency 0 is plotted. Default is False and the value is not plotted. Returns: the figure """ first_idx_to_plot = 0 if plot_f0 else 1 f = plt.figure() plt.plot(freq[first_idx_to_plot:], ps[first_idx_to_plot:], ".b") plt.axvline(x=0., lw=1, color="k") plt.xlim([-.05*max_freq/b2.Hz, max_freq/b2.Hz]) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Frequency [Hz]") plt.ylabel("Power") if average_At is None: plt.title("Power Spectrum of population activity A(t).") else: plt.title("Power Spectrum of population activity A(t). Avg. rate = {}".format(round(average_At, 1))) return f