Source code for neurodynex.cable_equation.passive_cable

Implements compartmental model of a passive cable. See Neuronal Dynamics
`Chapter 3 Section 2 <>`_


# This file is part of the exercise code repository accompanying
# the book: Neuronal Dynamics (see
# located at

# This free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0 as published by the
# Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with the repository. If not,
# see

# Should you reuse and publish the code for your own purposes,
# please cite the book or point to the webpage

# Wulfram Gerstner, Werner M. Kistler, Richard Naud, and Liam Paninski.
# Neuronal Dynamics: From Single Neurons to Networks and Models of Cognition.
# Cambridge University Press, 2014.

import brian2 as b2
from import input_factory
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# integration time step in milliseconds
b2.defaultclock.dt = 0.01 *

# DEFAULT morphological and electrical parameters
CABLE_LENGTH = 500. *  # length of dendrite
CABLE_DIAMETER = 2. *  # diameter of dendrite
R_LONGITUDINAL = 0.5 * b2.kohm *  # Intracellular medium resistance
R_TRANSVERSAL = 1.25 * b2.Mohm * ** 2  # cell membrane resistance (->leak current)
E_LEAK = -70. * b2.mV  # reversal potential of the leak current (-> resting potential)
CAPACITANCE = 0.8 * b2.uF / ** 2  # membrane capacitance
DEFAULT_INPUT_CURRENT = input_factory.get_step_current(2000, 3000,, amplitude=0.2 * b2.namp)
DEFAULT_INPUT_LOCATION = [CABLE_LENGTH / 3]  # provide an array of locations
# print("Membrane Timescale = {}".format(R_TRANSVERSAL*CAPACITANCE))

[docs]def simulate_passive_cable(current_injection_location=DEFAULT_INPUT_LOCATION, input_current=DEFAULT_INPUT_CURRENT, length=CABLE_LENGTH, diameter=CABLE_DIAMETER, r_longitudinal=R_LONGITUDINAL, r_transversal=R_TRANSVERSAL, e_leak=E_LEAK, initial_voltage=E_LEAK, capacitance=CAPACITANCE, nr_compartments=200, simulation_time=5 * """Builds a multicompartment cable and numerically approximates the cable equation. Args: t_spikes (int): list of spike times current_injection_location (list): List [] of input locations (Quantity, Length): [123.*] input_current (TimedArray): TimedArray of current amplitudes. One column per current_injection_location. length (Quantity): Length of the cable: 0.8* diameter (Quantity): Diameter of the cable: 0.2* r_longitudinal (Quantity): The longitudinal (axial) resistance of the cable: 0.5*b2.kohm* r_transversal (Quantity): The transversal resistance (=membrane resistance): 1.25*b2.Mohm***2 e_leak (Quantity): The reversal potential of the leak current (=resting potential): -70.*b2.mV initial_voltage (Quantity): Value of the potential at t=0: -70.*b2.mV capacitance (Quantity): Membrane capacitance: 0.8*b2.uF/**2 nr_compartments (int): Number of compartments. Spatial discretization: 200 simulation_time (Quantity): Time for which the dynamics are simulated: 5* Returns: (StateMonitor, SpatialNeuron): The state monitor contains the membrane voltage in a Time x Location matrix. The SpatialNeuron object specifies the simulated neuron model and gives access to the morphology. You may want to use those objects for spatial indexing: myVoltageStateMonitor[mySpatialNeuron.morphology[0.123*]].v """ assert isinstance(input_current, b2.TimedArray), "input_current is not of type TimedArray" assert input_current.values.shape[1] == len(current_injection_location),\ "number of injection_locations does not match nr of input currents" cable_morphology = b2.Cylinder(diameter=diameter, length=length, n=nr_compartments) # Im is transmembrane current # Iext is injected current at a specific position on dendrite EL = e_leak RT = r_transversal my_equs = """ Iext = current(t, location_index): amp (point current) location_index : integer (constant) Im = (EL-v)/RT : amp/meter**2 """ cable_model = b2.SpatialNeuron(morphology=cable_morphology, model=my_equs, Cm=capacitance, Ri=r_longitudinal) monitor_v = b2.StateMonitor(cable_model, "v", record=True) # inject all input currents at the specified location: nr_input_locations = len(current_injection_location) input_current_0 = np.insert(input_current.values, 0, 0., axis=1) * b2.amp # insert default current: 0. [amp] current = b2.TimedArray(input_current_0, dt=input_current.dt * b2.second) for current_index in range(nr_input_locations): insert_location = current_injection_location[current_index] compartment_index = int(np.floor(insert_location / (length / nr_compartments))) # next line: current_index+1 because 0 is the default current 0Amp cable_model.location_index[compartment_index] = current_index + 1 # set initial values and run for 1 ms cable_model.v = initial_voltage return (monitor_v, cable_model)
[docs]def getting_started(): """A simple code example to get started. """ current = input_factory.get_step_current(500, 510,, amplitude=3. * b2.namp) voltage_monitor, cable_model = simulate_passive_cable( length=0.5 *, current_injection_location=[0.1 *], input_current=current, nr_compartments=100, simulation_time=2 * # provide a minimal plot plt.figure() plt.imshow(voltage_monitor.v / b2.volt) plt.colorbar(label="voltage") plt.xlabel("time index") plt.ylabel("location index") plt.title("vm at (t,x), raw data voltage_monitor.v")
if __name__ == "__main__": getting_started()