Source code for neurodynex.neuron_type.neurons

This file implements a type I and a type II model from
the abstract base class NeuronAbstract.

You can inject step currents and plot the responses,
as well as get firing rates.

Relevant book chapters:



# This file is part of the exercise code repository accompanying
# the book: Neuronal Dynamics (see
# located at

# This free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0 as published by the
# Free Software Foundation. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with the repository. If not,
# see

# Should you reuse and publish the code for your own purposes,
# please cite the book or point to the webpage

# Wulfram Gerstner, Werner M. Kistler, Richard Naud, and Liam Paninski.
# Neuronal Dynamics: From Single Neurons to Networks and Models of Cognition.
# Cambridge University Press, 2014.

import brian2 as b2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs]def get_step_curr(I_tstart=20, I_tend=270, I_amp=.5): """Returns a pA step current TimedArray. Args: I_tstart (float, optional): start of current step [ms] I_tend (float, optional): start of end step [ms] I_amp (float, optional): amplitude of current step [pA] Returns: StateMonitor: Brian2 StateMonitor with input current (I) and voltage (V) recorded """ # 1ms sampled step current tmp = np.zeros(I_tend+1) * b2.uamp tmp[int(I_tstart):int(I_tend)] = I_amp * b2.pamp # This relies on the property of TimedArrays that # the returned value is equal to the final array # value of the passed array. Here, the step # will be 0 for all times > I_tend. return b2.TimedArray(tmp, dt=1.*
[docs]def plot_data(rec, title=None, show=False): """Plots a TimedArray for values I, v and w Args: rec (TimedArray): the data to plot title (string, optional): plot title to display show (bool, optional): call for the plot Returns: StateMonitor: Brian2 StateMonitor with input current (I) and voltage (V) recorded """ (t, v, w, I) = rec_to_tuple(rec) # plot voltage time series plt.subplot(311) plt.plot(t, v, lw=2) plt.xlabel('t [ms]') plt.ylabel('v [mV]') plt.grid() # plot activation and inactivation variables plt.subplot(312) plt.plot(t, w, 'k', lw=2) plt.xlabel('t [ms]') plt.ylabel('w [mV]') plt.grid() # plot current plt.subplot(313) plt.plot(t, I, lw=2) plt.axis((0, t.max(), 0, I.max()*1.1)) plt.xlabel('t [ms]') plt.ylabel('I [pA]') plt.grid() if title is not None: plt.suptitle(title) if show:
[docs]def get_spiketimes(t, v, v_th=0.5, do_plot=False): """Returns numpy.ndarray of spike times, for a given time and voltage series. Args: t (numpy.ndarray): time dimension of timeseries [ms] v (numpy.ndarray): voltage dimension of timeseries [mV] v_th (float, optional): threshold voltage for spike detection [mV] do_plot (bool, optional): plot the results Returns: np.ndarray: detected spike times """ v_above_th = v > v_th idx = np.nonzero((v_above_th[:-1] == 0) & (v_above_th[1:] == 1)) return t[idx[0]+1]
[docs]def rec_to_tuple(rec): """Extracts a tuple of numpy arrays from a brian2 StateMonitor. Args: rec (StateMonitor): state monitor with v, w, I recorded Returns: tuple: (t, v, w, I) tuple of numpy.ndarrays """ # get data from rec t = rec.t / v = rec.v[0] / b2.mV w = rec.w[0] / b2.mV I = rec.I[0] / b2.pA return (t, v, w, I)
[docs]class NeuronAbstract(object): """Abstract base class for both neuron types. This stores its own recorder and network, allowing each neuron to be run several times with changing currents while keeping the same neurogroup object and network internally. """ def __init__(self): self.make_neuron() self.rec = b2.StateMonitor(self.neuron, ['v', 'w', 'I'], record=True) = b2.Network([self.neuron, self.rec])
[docs] def make_neuron(self): """Abstract function, which creates neuron attribute for this class.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def run(self, curr, simtime): """Runs the neuron for a given current. Args: curr (TimedArray): Input current injected into the neuron simtime (float): Simulation time [seconds] Returns: StateMonitor: Brian2 StateMonitor with input current (I) and voltage (V) recorded """ self.neuron.namespace["curr"] = curr # run the simulation * return self.rec
[docs] def step(self, t_end=300., I_tstart=20, I_tend=270, I_amp=.5, do_plot=True, show=True): """Runs the neuron for a step current and plots the data. Args: t_end (float, optional): the simulation time of the model [ms] I_tstart (float, optional): start of current step [ms] I_tend (float, optional): start of end step [ms] I_amp (float, optional): amplitude of current step [nA] do_plot (bool, optional): plot the resulting simulation show (bool, optional): call for the plot Returns: StateMonitor: Brian2 StateMonitor with input current (I) and voltage (V) recorded """ curr = get_step_curr(I_tstart, I_tend, I_amp) rec =, t_end) if do_plot: plot_data( rec, title="%s" % self.__class__.__name__, show=show, ) return rec_to_tuple(rec)
[docs] def get_rate(self, I_amp, t_end=1000., do_plot=False): """Return the firing rate under a current step. Args: NeuronClass (type): Subclass of neurons.AbstractNeuron I_amp (float): Amplitude of voltage step t_end (float): Length of simulation do_plot (bool, optional): plot the results Returns: float: firing rate of neuron """ (t, v, w, I) = self.step( t_end=t_end, I_amp=I_amp, I_tstart=100, I_tend=t_end, do_plot=do_plot, show=False, ) st = get_spiketimes(t, v) if do_plot: for s in st: plt.subplot(311) plt.plot( [s, s], [np.min(v), np.max(v)], c='#ff0000' ) # if no spikes or 1 spike are detected if len(st) < 2: return 0.0 isi = st[1:]-st[:-1] # rate in Hz (isi is in ms) f = 1000.0 / isi.mean() return f
[docs]class NeuronTypeOne(NeuronAbstract):
[docs] def make_neuron(self): """Sets the self.neuron attribute.""" # neuron parameters pars = { "g_1": 4.4 * (1/b2.mV), "g_2": 8 * (1/b2.mV), "g_L": 2, "V_1": 120 * b2.mV, "V_2": -84 * b2.mV, "V_L": -60 * b2.mV, "phi": 0.06666667, "R": 100 * b2.Gohm, } # forming the neuron model using differential equations eqs = ''' I = curr(t) : amp winf = (0.5*mV)*( 1 + tanh((v-12*mV)/(17*mV)) ) : volt tau = (1*ms)/cosh((v-12*mV)/(2*17*mV)) : second m = (0.5*mV)*(1+tanh((v+1.2*mV)/(18*mV))) : volt dv/dt = (-g_1*m*(v-V_1) - g_2*w*(v-V_2) - g_L*(v-V_L) \ + I*R)/(20*ms) : volt dw/dt = phi*(winf-w)/tau : volt ''' self.neuron = b2.NeuronGroup(1, eqs) self.neuron.v = pars["V_L"] self.neuron.namespace.update(pars)
[docs]class NeuronTypeTwo(NeuronAbstract):
[docs] def make_neuron(self): """Sets the self.neuron attribute.""" # forming the neuron model using differential equations eqs = ''' I = curr(t) : amp dv/dt = (v - (v**3)/(3*mvolt*mvolt) - w + I*Gohm)/ms : volt dw/dt = (a*(v+0.7*mvolt)-w)/tau : volt ''' self.neuron = b2.NeuronGroup(1, eqs) self.neuron.v = 0 self.neuron.namespace['a'] = 1.25 self.neuron.namespace['tau'] = 15.6 *